
What is Teleradiology? – The Future of Diagnostic Imaging

Teleradiology utilizes standard network technology to transmit radiological patient images, such as MRIs and CTs, from the modality to another location with the intent of interpretation or consultation. Teleradiology is the future of radiology because it allows Radiologists, such as Dr. Thomas Turek, to interpret cases from anywhere in the world. Teleradiology also allows Dr. Thomas Turek to boast an unprecedented turn-around time (TAT) for dictating cases.

Powerful PACS Solution – Off-Site Radiologist

Dr. Thomas Turek employs one of the most powerful online PACS viewer in the world to interpret studies. With three decades of experience in this industry, Dr. Thomas Turek has quickly adapted to the sudden need for PACS technology, allowing your facility to send him studies for interpretation from anywhere in the world. Xcel Imaging proudly serves the diagnostic imaging community for the best value on the market. When it comes to Teleradiology, Dr. Thomas Turek has the technology, the knowledge and most of all, the experience your facility demands from an industry-leading radiologist.

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